(originally written August 23, 2011)
We’ve been making some progress on the living room. Curtains are hung, shelves and key rack are up – now to do the textile work… with the fabric of my dreams!
We’ve been making some progress on the living room. Curtains are hung, shelves and key rack are up – now to do the textile work… with the fabric of my dreams!
Yay! Blue walls, stuff hung and curtains!
Last night, in a spur of productive energy, I decided to get started on the throw pillows for the couch. First and foremost, I totally misinterpreted the amount of pillows I need – that couch is HUGE. In the meantime I figured I’d get the ones I purchased taken care of and then add on as needed.
I cheated a bit and used the serger. After I sort of measured and cut the fabric I just ran it through the serger on three sides, stuffed the pillow in and sewed the 4th side with the machine. Yeah, it’s not perfect, but it works and I was happy. 
One thing I noticed is that I didn’t *quite* buy enough fabric for the 18 in. pillows I bought, but luckily I had enough contrasting fabric to make it work. Once I got the fabric situated I needed something on the contrasting fabric (it was just a solid color with the other fabric being a large pattern) SO I grabbed some white buttons and just sprinkled them over the pillow case to see what design they would make (after trying to come up with a design this seemed like the best option). Originally I was going to sew the buttons down, but that’s kind of hard to do when you scattered the buttons to make a pattern, so I *gulp* glued them down with fabric glue.
Actually – they turned out really nice! I’m waiting for the glue to cure before I sew up the pillow case completely, but as of right now they look awesome.
Next on the list is to finish the main curtain panels – the source of inspiration for this whole room. I brought all the fabrics out yesterday and Garry was really shocked at how nicely the room is coming together. Once we get the prints framed and on the wall and our crazy wall-o-mirrors down (apparently that’s happening tomorrow) we will be soooo close to having the room done.
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