Back to the two jobs part. Yes, I have two jobs. One is very, very part-time at a local radio station that I've been with for quite some time. I finish up at my first job and then go over to the radio station and pre-record my show. On Fridays I get out of my first job a little earlier than normal, meaning I get to the station a little earlier than normal.
My early Friday arrival tends to irritate one of my co-workers as we use the same studio and he's not finished by then. So, this last Friday I decided to do him a favor and run an errand before getting to the station - that way I'm not getting there early and he can do what he needed to do.
Unfortunately, this errand involved going to Michael's. Don't get me wrong - I love Michael's - the problem is that I have precious little self-control when I'm there, especially the day after pay day.
I went in wanting to buy two large mats and frames for my carousel photos that I made into posters:
Please respect that this image is my own work. Please give me proper credit in any republication.
Apparently the other image doesn't want to load. Boo!
We have a ton of carousels in the area and I decided the day before we bought our house that I should take a few photos and have them printed. Why? I don't know. It just seemed like a good idea. Besides, with the high-contrast black and white (and some other minor Photoshop work) they look sort of vintage.
So off I went to buy frames.
I found a good deal on pre-matted frames, black frames with white mats - exactly what I wanted. But then I found a three-slot picture frame that would look perfect above our key rack. And then I found a really cute little shadow box that would be perfect to put my garter, Garry's boutonniere and maybe something else from our wedding. I also found a really gorgeous pre-matted frame (black frame with a copper-ish embossed leaf mat) that would be perfect for one of our wedding photos.
I also remembered that we needed new taper candles for our candelabra and I picked up some canvases for a project I wanted to do for the master bedroom.
Lastly, I found a cute little white ceramic pig with wings. His name is Ferdinand.
$122 later I went to the radio station thinking that Garry was probably just going to shake his head when he came home and there was a pile of frames on the couch ready to be hung up.
And oh, trust me, I could have spent way more if I had a plan and wasn't restricted by time. And there's a HomeGoods a few spaces down in the plaza. It's a dangerous place folks!
I haven't hung up the frames yet. I honestly don't have photos for the other frames, we need to order the prints (which I'm hoping to do tonight when Garry and I are home so we can pick ones we both like).
I'm also hoping that our other tile package comes in so we can finish that and then get to painting! I'd like to do that before our new little fur baby gets here! (As I know how hard it is to paint when you have dogs/cats running around the house and it might be too cold for them to be outside the whole time)
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