I finally started painting the kitchen last night!
I didn't get home from work and running errands until later than normal, so I didn't get started with the painting until about 6:30. Now for most folks, painting a kitchen isn't like painting another room since a lot of folks have open floor plans, or small kitchens blah blah blah.
I think I bit off a little more than I could chew.
See, yesterday I was on my feet all day, running around taking photos for work. This is not a normal thing. Usually I sit happily in my office working, but it just-so-happened that five different events were happening on the same day. Did I mention I decided to wear heels too? Yeah, I'm an idiot.
I get home and my feet are already hurting. This should have been a sign that maybe I should just wait until tomorrow to start painting. But no, I'm stubborn. I soldier on.
Our kitchen is a fairly decent size with quite a bit of wall space. It took me 4 hours (of course with a few short breaks and a few minor interruptions with phone calls) to get 3/4 of the first coat painting. Since the original color is like an olive/basil green color it will definitely take two coats - even with the Glidden 2-in-1.
I was exhausted afterwards. I will say that I like the color a lot more than the dark green. The room feels so much lighter than it did before and it will transition nicely with the color I picked to redo the living room (that will happen on Saturday). The great thing is, it's a color without being overpowering. It's a cool color so it doesn't compete with the tile, it recedes.
Going to finish painting the kitchen tonight! I really hope it goes a little faster tonight... Garry said he would help me, so that's a good thing. I just don't want to be up until midnight painting my kitchen and then have to go to work early in the morning. (If it was a Friday night, I'd happily stay up all night painting if I had the energy)
I can't wait to get the shelves and some artwork on the walls. It will help add some warmth and personality to the room.
Pictures of the newly painting kitchen tomorrow!
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